


Shereen Kopp says:

My personality is embedded in my work, bright, bold and fun. Most of my images are not as they were seen but the way that I would like them to be seen.
I believe that people every now and then need a place where their minds can escape to. Some people choose art as that place of escape, so it gives me great satisfaction and joy to be able to contribute to this world of peaceful escape. 
“I use cameras as tools to give life to my desire to create beautiful things which, when created, should be seen and used for the soothing of one’s eyes and the daunting of one’s  mind.              Shereen adds, “I also find photographing flowers, water reflections, and architectural structures enjoyable, yet the overwhelming need to transform them into abstract or surrealist art is finally more appealing…I feel the need to see and experience things in ways that differ from the normal.”                        

These days I am mainly an artist in paintings, however photography still remains a passion and my photo prints are just as  inportant as my paintings. It is nice to enjoy whatever kind of art I want to do. I am also painting ceramic tiles which are quite popular  as well.